Whenever there is change, and there has been a lot of that in the last few months, there is re-birth. In the form of Western psychotherapy that I subscribe to, we are moving our psyche and our whole being towards …
Category: Wellness

Want More Self-Confidence?
A few months ago we did a survey of our female friends to find out whether they would like more self-confidence or courage. The results were 50 / 50. Everyone had a strong pull to one or the other, feeling …

Healing Trauma
Trauma comes from the Greek word for wound, relating to physical injury (1) . It wasn’t until the late 19th century that the word trauma became associated with psychological rather than physical harm. Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud was one of …

The Gift of Joy
Joy is a vibrational state that we need to follow. For most of us it is not a natural state, but something we catch glimpses of when out with friends, or dancing wildly alone to music, or looking at your …

The Dalai Lama’s Routine
Spending time with the Dalai Lama over this weekend was a lifetime tick-a-box for me, being in his light, airy and cheerful presence was something I will never forget. One of the things that struck me was when he spoke …