Childhood trauma is often misunderstood. It’s not just about big, obvious events—it’s also about other ways you may not have felt safe or valued. For example, growing up in an environment where you had to suppress your feelings to …
Tag: childhood trauma

Help…We Both Have Traumatic Childhoods!
Coming from a CPTSD background does not mean your relationship is doomed. I would highly recommend working with a therapist to support you as you move into deeper intimacy and help you structure secure attachment bonds. A wonderful modality to …

Validating Your Trauma
These three things will vary depending on the individual. We all start with a different nervous system. We are all in differing social-economic environments, surrounded by varying levels of support. We are all connected to our core or our spirit …

Implications of Childhood Trauma
Let’s expand the definition of trauma. Historically, we think of trauma as big events that caused stress and shock and impacted your old view of yourself and the world. This is big ‘T’ trauma. It has become more apparent that …

Understanding Your Partner’s Love Language
If your partner received little quality time as children, this will be even more triggering for them. It can re-awaken deep feelings of being unloved and uncared for. You might find that their reaction is bigger than you would expect …

Grieving Your Childhood
So many people have a childhood that needs to be grieved for. It is appropriate to grieve your childhood if: You were parentified You were bullied by a sibling There was a lot of violence There was a lot of …

Healing for Those Who Were Parentified
Once you have connected with your inner child, the next thing to do is validate their feelings about their childhood experiences. This process can be painful and might be best done with a therapist. Over time, your inner child needs …

Parentification in Action
You might find this interesting! A study of 783 university students into the links between parentification and later adult wellness showed those who experienced parentification have an increased risk of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse (Hooper, Marotta, & …

It’s Okay To Feel Grief For Your Childhood AND Be Grateful For Certain Aspects Of It.
Can I hold BOTH the things I feel grief around AND the parts that made me happy? It is often difficult for the mind and body to hold BOTH, this is part of the work I do in therapy with …