I grew up eating my dinner with a tray on my lap in front of the TV watching Neighbours (an Aussie TV show that we LOVED in the UK with Kylie Minogue in it). We were together as a family, …
Tag: Connection

9 Signs You Grew Up Chronically Lonely
Chronic loneliness is not a diagnosis. It is a term used to describe loneliness experienced over a long period. This can happen for many different reasons. It might be that you grew up as an only child with a parent …

Only 24 Hours to Connect – What Do We Do?
I’ll be apart from my husband for 29 days in November. I’m taking a retreat to India, and he will visit family in the USA. We have one day to connect between flights in the middle of November. I had …

Conflict and Connection
Conflict provides an opportunity for a deeper connection. Most of us are not taught this. We are taught that conflict is scary and to be avoided. We might have learnt from our family of origin that conflict results in physical …

I’m a natural introvert. For me, that means that I enjoy time to myself. When I feel tired, my natural inclination is to rest and spend time alone. This allows me to focus on and nurture myself. I don’t have …

Relationships Are Built, Not Found.
Intimacy is not measured on a consistent upward continuum. Instead, it is a wiggly upward line. Naturally, there are times in your relationship when you feel more or less connected. More connected – on a date night, with time and …

Don’t Offer Advice to Someone Who Needs A Hug
When we offer advice, we are staying in our left brain. That’s the rational, logical part of our extraordinary brain. We need this part to manage time, get practical things done, complete tasks, and so much more. When we offer …