Oh, my heart! I just can’t stop watching. She’s 14 now, and I can’t believe how smart, funny and beautiful she was and still is. I’m one lucky mum!
Tag: support

You Don’t Have To Feel Broken To See A Therapist
One of the most potent times to visit a therapist is when I am aware of repeating cycles in my life. My therapist helps me clarify what impulses me to behave in certain ways and where those impulses have come …

Interview With Body & Soul
I’m a therapist and go to Therapy. Here is why everyone should go.’ By Rachael Martin. This was such an interesting conversation with Rach full article here

Don’t Offer Advice to Someone Who Needs A Hug
When we offer advice, we are staying in our left brain. That’s the rational, logical part of our extraordinary brain. We need this part to manage time, get practical things done, complete tasks, and so much more. When we offer …

Are you able to ‘show up’ for someone else?
When we don’t ‘show up’ in our most intimate relationships, we limit the depth of connection that can be achieved. I think most of us want to ‘show up’, but we are held back. We are held back by: fear …

Supporting a Cycle Breaker
Thank you for telling us how you feel. These are all from YOU—every one of them. When I asked in my stories what you would like to have heard instead of your friends and family’s shaming, the response was overwhelming. …

Reaching Out To Someone You Are Worried About
This post is a great pocket guide for ‘how to have that conversation’. Above (in the slide) are the DOs, and below are the DO NOTS: Don’t try to talk them out of suicide Don’t try to fix their problem. …

A Suicide Attempt is a Cry for Help
When people are considering suicide, they need help from a trained professional. A therapist, counsellor, or doctor as soon as possible. Emergency assistance is available in Australia through Lifeline: 13 11 14 ____ Reference: https://medbroadcast.com/condition/getcondition/suicide