This is for my future self, who will have a beautiful garden to tend. I dream of an English garden, but they are difficult to maintain and water in Australia.
Tag: love
Don’t Offer Advice to Someone Who Needs A Hug
When we offer advice, we are staying in our left brain. That’s the rational, logical part of our extraordinary brain. We need this part to manage time, get practical things done, complete tasks, and so much more. When we offer …
Loving a Child
How do you consciously grow your capacity to love? I’d love to hear in the comments.
Being a Mother, a Reflection as Ariel Turns 13!
Today, my youngest baby has become a teenager. Whilst far from being a fully-fledged adult, she is incredibly independent, brave, kind, warm-hearted and FUN! The mothering journey is so different for everyone and is so contextual. How would my experience …
Falling For Someone’s Potential
When you are with someone because you see their potential, you are busy working on a project. Not accepting them for who they are. If who they are is not what you are looking for, then why are you still …
How Do I Comfort My Inner Child When She Still Wants That Love From My Parents?
Now you are an adult, you can take care of and love your inner child. Think of all the things your child wants from your parents and give those things to her yourself. It is usually things like being accepted, …
Osho Quote: The First Lesson In Love is to Learn How to be Alone
Being comfortable being alone is a deep form of self-love. How can you love yourself if you never spend time with yourself? If you jump from one relationship to another, how can you have the space in yourself to know …
Understanding Your Partner’s Love Language
If your partner received little quality time as children, this will be even more triggering for them. It can re-awaken deep feelings of being unloved and uncared for. You might find that their reaction is bigger than you would expect …