These archetypes come from the research of Dr. Tasha Eurich (2019). She has a fabulous TEDx talk called ‘Increase your Self-Awareness with One Simple Fix’. She says that 95% of people believe they are self-aware, but only 10% — …
Category: Healing
Blocks To Self-Awareness
True self-awareness takes courage. We have to be ready to look within and find things we don’t like and/or feel unable to change. Sometimes, self-awareness can feel like a punishing party. This is why I am a huge advocate for …
Why Self-Awareness is Useful
Research has proven the benefits of self-awareness. It has been linked to performance at work and is one of the strongest predictors of personal and organisational success and satisfaction. Dr Tasha Eurich has conducted extensive research into self-awareness. She says …
Self-awareness is awareness of the self rather than the external environment. It is a process of assessing how you align with your internal ideals and values. It is also the ability to know how your actions impact others. Self-awareness …
What is Self-Awareness?
Dr. Tasha Eurich (2019) in her research, differentiates between internal and external self-awareness. Internal self-awareness can be cultivated through: While gathering external data we have to bear in mind that the other person is seeing you through their own …
Brené Brown Quote
We meet vulnerability every time we do something new. How much vulnerability did you feel today? That’s how courageous you are! Big love, Jen
Yung Pueblo Quote
It can be challenging to move through life while in pain. This is why so many of us prioritise healing. The trick is to be in the healing process AND live life simultaneously. At specific points in the journey, it …
Before You Apologise Do This…
Before apologising, ask the other person to share the IMPACT it has had on them. Life changing. Love, Jen (Inspired by a lecture given at IFS Level 1 training by Emma Diamond – Australia)