Over the last two weeks, I’ve been refining my morning ritual to include more ayurvedic principles. Much of my morning routine has been in place for over five years, but I find I need to adjust it now and again, …
Category: Business

Leadership and Self-Awareness
In this episode of Psychotherapy Central, we welcome Sue McDonnell, a seasoned psychotherapist and executive coach, to explore the profound connections between leadership and self-awareness. Sue shares her extensive experience working with executive teams and senior leaders, highlighting how conscious …

Workplace Mental Health
We spend a lot of time at work. If the work culture is toxic, there is discrimination, bullying, harassment or poor working conditions, mental health can be affected, which reduces your quality of life. ____ Work can absolutely affect your …

We Need More Empathic People In Leadership Roles
I would love to see more empathy in leadership. Empathy—the ability to understand and share another person’s feelings—is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have in leadership today. Empathic leaders are pivotal because they create environments where trust and cooperation …

Tell Your Family History
When things are a family secret, other members of the family often know that something isn’t right. When the secret is revealed, there is often a sense of ‘Ah…now so much in my life makes sense!’ When a member of …

The Scientifically Proven Method for Achieving Your Goals
“Imagery is about the next thing you can do to help the future you” – Dr Jonathan Rhodes Jo and Jon have used FIT to train Olympic athletes, special military forces, and top CEOs around the globe. Check out this …

5 Neuroscience Tips To Help You Focus – From a Licensed Therapist
Have you ever wasted a whole day or week doing easy tasks? I know I have! I find blocking out dedicated time for more complex tasks to be incredibly effective. During that time, I have the ‘do not disturb’ button …