Author: Jennifer
Healing Trauma
Trauma comes from the Greek word for wound, relating to physical injury (1) . It wasn’t until the late 19th century that the word trauma became associated with psychological rather than physical harm. Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud was one of …
Transforming Relationships
We all know how it is at Christmas when families come together. Hopefully there is lots of fun and connection, but sometimes there are one or two that drive you mad. We know that what we focus on grows. In …
The Gift of Joy
Joy is a vibrational state that we need to follow. For most of us it is not a natural state, but something we catch glimpses of when out with friends, or dancing wildly alone to music, or looking at your …
Conscious Parenting
As a therapist and healer raising children I am often asked for hints and tips on raising children. Like everyone else, I am learning as I go, and do not profess to be the perfect parent (if such a thing …
A Plant Based Diet
I have now been dairy free for 100 days. I have been eating 70% vegetables at most meals and only soup after 4pm. It has been HARD. Especially over Christmas and the holidays. How do I feel? So much better! …
Rites of Passage
My son Isaac (Izzy) turned 7 in February. We had the usual birthday celebration with friends and family and a rainbow cake. On the morning of his 7th birthday I looked him in the eye over breakfast and explained to …
Foreboding Joy
Have you ever looked at your children and felt so much love and suddenly a wave of fear and a prayer of “Please God let them be safe?” About four months ago I in a conversation with a friend I …
Find it Hard to Feel or Feel too much?
Do you find that you spend too much time in your head, and can often forget about your body until it is ill? Or are you on the other side of the scale where you feel too much and seem …
Goal Setting … Boring?
When I think of goal setting part of me gets really excited and thinks “yipee, I get to dream about all of the things I would like to manifest over the next year!” and another part thinks “oh no, another …