Author: Jennifer
The FAWN Response
The Fawn Response Explained The fawn response occurs when a child tries to please someone who is both their caregiver AND a source of threat to stay safe and loved. When parents are abusive or neglectful, the child learns to …
Complex PTSD Explained
What you need to know about Complex PTSD. Did you know that Complex PTSD is often misdiagnosed as PTSD or Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? CPTSD develops when there has been neglect, abuse, severe bullying or torture. When there is exposure …
1 Simple Tool to Counter a Fight or Flight Trauma Response
SOMETHING TO DO EVERY DAY You might like to practice this exercise daily so you get used to the feeling of this breath. At first, it might feel strange, like you are straining. This is why it is good to …
International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day
I see you. I can only imagine the pain you have experienced. The trauma involved. What your body went through to be a home to this child. And then the loss. The shattering of a dream, the baby’s room lying …
7 Tips for Healing the Fight Trauma Response
The fight response is my ‘go to’ trauma response. Over the years it has kept me safe AND got me into trouble a few times. We all have a ‘go to’ trauma response. Given the situation we found ourselves in …
My Journey:
Hello to all of you who are new here! Thank you, thank you for being here and being on this journey of self-healing with me. Sometimes when we are the only ones in a family on the journey, finding your …
The Fight Response
When others find you aggressive, it might be because you have gone into a ‘fight’ trauma response. Remember that all of the trauma responses are the body’s natural response to danger or stress. It causes a flood of hormones so …
My Top Tip for Dating
let me know if you have already discovered that BEING YOURSELF in a relationship is the only way! This is tricky when we are used to changing who we are to receive love. When as children we have learned to …
How the Flight Trauma Response Can Show Up In An Argument
When we are in conflict, it is easy to be triggered into an automatic trauma response. Why? Maybe our partner is triggering a flashback to an old situation Maybe their tone of voice feels threatening Maybe the way they gestured …
The Flight Response
The flight response happens when we encounter something stressful, and our sympathetic nervous system takes over and tells us to RUN! This was great when tigers were chasing us, but how do we manage this when the danger is a …