Let me say it again – you are not responsible for someone else’s mental health. To be clear, I am not talking about abuse. If you are verbally, physically, mentally or emotionally abusive, then you ARE responsible. If you are …
Tag: therapy

What Does Shame Sound Like?
It is easy to read posts about shame and think “Oh, I don’t feel any shame, that’s not in my life”. If that is the case, you are an incredibly rare individual. For most people, shame is part of life. …

Can I Widen my “Window of Tolerance”?
The simple answer is YES! With time and focus you CAN widen your window of tolerance. Why is this a good thing? It increases your resilience and keeps your prefrontal cortex (the part responsible for cognitive processing) switched on for …

The Art Of Re-Parenting – Part 4
The inner child needs to be validated. They need to have THEIR version of reality validated by you.If your inner child has been told for years that she is ‘too sensitive’ to all the fighting that went on in the …

Gaslighting By Parents
Have you ever been with a parent who totally denies the reality of your childhood? It happens in the small moments such as: Adult child: You and dad used to fight all the time; I was terrified growing up in …

You don’t have to be Broken to see a Therapist…you can see a Therapist to…
Working with a therapist and going through a process of self-exploration and change is one of the most empowering experiences we can have. Most people have never been held in a safe, supporting, non-bias space where they can be truly …

Therapist as Compassionate Witness
Jack Kornfield, a wonderful and inspiring Buddhist teacher says in his book “After the ecstasy, the laundry” (2001) that after years of emptiness practice unresolved childhood issues still emerged when he was back with his family. He said, he needed …