Let’s expand the definition of trauma. Historically, we think of trauma as big events that caused stress and shock and impacted your old view of yourself and the world. This is big ‘T’ trauma. It has become more apparent that …
Being On Auto-Pilot… And How To Get Out Of It
Brilliant chat with my daughter about being on autopilot & how to get out if it and become more engaged with life
Trauma Can Be…
When we think about trauma, we usually think about big things; abuse, car accidents, death, etc. But trauma responses are activated by many other things. I have noticed in my practice that people who have not experienced events that we …
Unhealed Trauma
There can be trauma through what was DONE to you, being hit, shouted at, called names when growing up. And then there is trauma through omission, things that you should have experienced that you didn’t. It’s easy to look back …
Gifting Yourself Time to Heal
Have you ever become frustrated with yourself on your healing journey? Thinking: Why are relationships still so difficult for me? Why do I still react like a child around my parents? Why do I still feel anxious all the time? …
Indications You are Going in a Different Direction to Your Partner
Relationships take work. They need to be fed and nurtured in order to remain satisfying for both parties. Often the process of drifting apart is gradual. When we find ourselves growing apart, we need to decide if we are going …
Conflict as an Opportunity
The curiosity here is around reactivity, and when fight, flight or freeze might take over for either of you in the relationship. This is a conversation that needs to happen when you are NOT in the middle of an argument. …
Knowing How To Pause During a Conflict
Storming out during an argument is not a great way to take a break. Maybe you return to the argument, but more often than not there is still tension in the air. Maybe you become passive-aggressive with one another and …
Pausing During a Conflict
According to the Gottman’s, 69% of relationship arguments are unsolvable, so it no surprise that they can cause so much frustration. Have you ever been in a situation where you are both feeling unheard, and misunderstood and you are both …