You don’t have to be Broken to see a Therapist…you can see a Therapist to…
Working with a therapist and going through a process of self-exploration and change is one of the most empowering experiences we can have. Most people have never been held in a safe, supporting, non-bias space where they can be truly …

When we Compare Ourselves to Others we can Inadvertently…
Comparing ourselves to others can be such a waste of energy! Let us first differentiate between being inspired by someone and comparing yourself to someone. When we feel inspired by someone, we feel uplifted, hopeful, as though anything is possible. …

Most Relationship Conflict is really about differing VALUES
Have you ever wondered why you end up fighting your partner over and over again about the same thing, different situation, but the same topic? Let’s take a common example…money. It might be that in your relationship you are the …

Therapist as Compassionate Witness
Jack Kornfield, a wonderful and inspiring Buddhist teacher says in his book “After the ecstasy, the laundry” (2001) that after years of emptiness practice unresolved childhood issues still emerged when he was back with his family. He said, he needed …

New York Marathon
It has been a year of training … a year of early mornings, leg rubbing, massage balls and sweating. It was a mammoth effort and he did it! 42.2kms! Through the 5 boroughs of New York, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, …

Meditation to Clear Your Mind
Take some time to clear your mind. This meditation can be used often for a quick reset after a busy day or before an important meeting.

Compassionate Observer Guided Meditation
This short 10 minute meditation can be used to quickly pull out of stress and anxiety and provide you with a more enlightened perspective.

Want More Self-Confidence?
A few months ago we did a survey of our female friends to find out whether they would like more self-confidence or courage. The results were 50 / 50. Everyone had a strong pull to one or the other, feeling …

Healing Trauma
Trauma comes from the Greek word for wound, relating to physical injury (1) . It wasn’t until the late 19th century that the word trauma became associated with psychological rather than physical harm. Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud was one of …