How to Reduce Hyperarousal

Hyperarousal is when excessive energy is expressed as anxiety, panic, feeling out of control and wanting to run away. It is challenging to relax when this happens as our body has gone into fight or flight mode. It is difficult to sleep or digest when we are in this state.

To assist with finding a grounded place inside your body, you might like to focus on the place where your body meets the Earth, and the Earth seems to hold your weight. I find the tummy, the base of the spine or the feet to be good places to start. Explore a few internally, and then use one as your regular ‘grounding spot’ in your body.

Having this spot as a regular place you can FEEL grounded for moments of stress when you feel disconnected from your body is helpful. It can become a great resource.

Other ideas include:

  • Breathing deeply & slowly into your tummy
  • Dancing out the excess energy
  • Soothing music you enjoy
  • Being wrapped in a blanket
  • Drinking warm water

Please share what works for you in the comments below.

Love to all, 



Reference: Ogden, P. (2009). Modulation, mindfulness, and movement in the treatment of trauma-related depression. Pat.

Siegel, D. (1999). The developing mind. New York: Guilford.

Stanley, E. A. (2019). Widen the Window. Boulder, Colorado: Random House.