Communicating Needs Without Losing it.

When we ask for something, we risk being and feeling rejected. We are vulnerable. To cover that vulnerability, many of us will use anger or force. 

How can I ask for what I need and hold onto the part of me that is vulnerable and keep that part safe without using anger or force as a shield?

What boundaries might I need to keep me safe while I have this conversation?

It might sound like, “I’m feeling vulnerable sharing this, so I would love you to pause before you respond.” Or “When we have discussed this topic in the past, we have ended up shouting at each other. I would love that not to happen because I start to feel unsafe.”

Love Jen

  • I Find Myself Losing it When I Try to Communicate my Needs. Be gentle with yourself. When did you learn that you needed to ‘lose it’ to get your needs met? We all have a vulnerable part of us that has valid needs. That part of you needs to be tended to. It needs to be approached with love and gentleness to be heard and understood. You might do this with your inner child or through other inner work.