True self-awareness takes courage. We have to be ready to look within and find things we don’t like and/or feel unable to change. Sometimes, self-awareness can feel like a punishing party. This is why I am a huge advocate for …
Tag: vulnerability

Brené Brown Quote
We meet vulnerability every time we do something new. How much vulnerability did you feel today? That’s how courageous you are! Big love, Jen

Intimacy = Vulnerability
Sometimes, there is a good reason for this. Perhaps there have been some key events where you have felt unsupported by your partner or hurt by them. Perhaps your partner is sometimes an unsafe person. We can only move into …

Help Your Therapist
Being in therapy is about forming a relationship based on trust and honesty. The relationship is a safe space to practice being vulnerable, honest and open. If you know there is something big you want to share but don’t …

Vulnerability is part of courage. We couldn’t be courageous if we didn’t experience some fear and feeling of vulnerability. Let me know if you need this today.

How Close Can I Safely Get?
We all have a subconscious distance in a relationship that we are comfortable with. If we are further away than that distance, we won’t feel comfortable, or if we are closer than that distance, we won’t feel comfortable, and we …

Communicating Needs Without Losing it.
When we ask for something, we risk being and feeling rejected. We are vulnerable. To cover that vulnerability, many of us will use anger or force. How can I ask for what I need and hold onto the part of …

It is Not Weak to Yearn For Deep Connection
Relational patterns can be difficult to shift. I find it is in the small moments of change that big shifts occur. If you would like to work on your relational patterns, you might enjoy my upcoming course, ‘Relationship Cycle Breaker’. …