When we ask for something, we risk being and feeling rejected. We are vulnerable. To cover that vulnerability, many of us will use anger or force. How can I ask for what I need and hold onto the part of …
Category: Healing
Most Relationship Conflict Is Really About Differing Values:
Have you ever wondered why you end up fighting your partner over and over again about the same thing, a different situation, but the same topic? Let’s take a typical example, money. It might be that in your relationship, you …
Humans are Wired For Connection
Have you ever felt the desire to connect, but felt sabotaged by another part of yourself that wants to protect? Both are compulsions. To desire to connect is human. We are wired for connection. When we have experienced trauma, we …
Bringing the Power of Gratitude into Your Life
Gratitude has the power to change your day completely! I had an experience a month ago where I was feeling quite overwhelmed. I went for a walk in the bush and found that although I was in nature, my mind …
Research Proves Benefits Of Gratitude
The word gratitude comes from the Latin gratia, meaning grace or gratefulness. Its root is linked to kindness, beauty and giving (Emmons & Shelton, 2002). We can express gratitude towards others or something greater than self (like nature or Source) …
9 Ways To Activate Your Feminine
As a mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter, daughter-in-law, aunt, and therapist, I can find myself buying into the energy of busyness and doing for days at a time. I have a regular meditation practice, and it saves my life every …
9 Simple Tips To Manage Your Stress
What do you do to self-soothe when you are stressed? Do you pick up a drink? Do you find yourself in front of the cupboard tucking into a whole packet of dark chocolate McVities Digestives (for the Brits reading this)? …
All About Stress
Some information to help us better understand stress and chronic stress and the physical impact. Here are some great reasons to be managing our stress Have a wonderful, stress-free day. Much love, Jen
What We Imagine Growth To Be:
Have you ever been in the trap of imagining that when you have grown enough, everything in your life will be ‘perfect’? You will have the ‘perfect’ job, one that your sense of purpose is aligned with, and you will …