We are always learning each other in relationship. We learn about our partner’s history, preferences, triggers and attachment style. And, of course, we are constantly learning about ourselves. Remember that all of the attachment styles exist on a spectrum. That …
Tag: therapy

Group Book Review
I have just finished reading ‘Group’ by Christie Tate. It was an incredible, heartfelt, vulnerable and gutwrenching journey she took me on—the journey of healing and learning to form a secure attachment supported by a group. For most people, the …

Meditation And The Brain
This research paper is an oldie but a goodie. I love it because it shows how the body is directly linked to the mind. When people do less with their minds, their brain tissue responds, and certain brain areas change …

The Neurobiological Impact of Trauma
This repository of emotion, felt sensations and memories go on to form what in IFS (Internal Family Systems) are called ‘parts’. Each part is frozen in time and space. So the traumatised 6-year-old will feel like they did when they …

Trauma Symptoms
When we have experienced neglect or abuse in childhood, the child must adapt to survive. The child might survive by leaving their body when the abuse is taking place. Then as an adult, when there is physical discomfort, or someone …