Saying sorry is important when it is done with sincerity and when real actions are taken to make amends and to right the wrong that was done. An apology can be a powerful gift for both the giver and the …
Tag: Apologies

What To Say If You Made A Mistake Or Regret How You Behaved.
We all make mistakes. The magic is in the repair. Sometimes it is hard to find the words to start. I hope you find these helpful. Love to all, Jen

The 4 Step Apology
When we need to apologise, practising alone and saying the words out loud can be SUPER helpful. We can get clear about what we are apologising for, what happened for us and how we plan to resolve it. This can …

How SHAME Can Stop People Apologising:
Everyone has a different relationship with shame, depending mainly on how they were raised. Shame says, “I’m a terrible person”, and guilt says, “I did a terrible thing.” When you have DONE something wrong, you can repair it. When you …

4 Step Apology
This might sound like: “I’m sorry I didn’t call to let you know I would be late for the show. That was thoughtless of me. Next time I’ll be sure to let you know. Can you forgive me?” Remember, when …

Please note that this doesn’t say, “I must apologise all the time to keep the peace.” Owning our part is powerful. Even if we only own a tiny part. Think back to the last time someone owned their part of …

How to Respond to an Apology When It’s Not Okay.
Answering these questions might aid you in finding your next step forward. We all make mistakes. The magic is in the repair. You are allowed some time and space while taking care of yourself and getting clear about your needs. …

Why Saying Sorry is Important
Today is Australia Day, it is a national holiday in Australia marking the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet and Arthur Phillip. For the First Nations people of Australia, this is a day of mourning. It is …