How to Speak Your Partner’s Love Language

There is no better time to discover your partner’s love language than during the holidays. Take time to think about how you FEEL love from your partner. You might find that your partner can tell you a hundred time that they love you, but if they don’t spend quality time with you, it doesn’t mean a thing.

Once you are clear on your top two love languages, show this list to your partner, and ask them which their top two are. You might be surprised. I thought my husband would have the same two as me, but I found he had one the same and one different. This was a revelation to me, because I now had a whole new love language to learn. 

Note that these love languages are not just for couples, they are for all relationships where you want your love for the other person to be felt. It applies to friends, parents and children equally.

The opportunity with these love languages is for your partner to actually FEEL the love you have for them. 

When you read this list what are your top two love languages?

How to Speak Your Partner’s Love Language