Author: Jennifer
10 Signs You Have a ‘Father Wound’
Much of the literature in mental health and psychology has focused on the mother and the mother’s attachment. But what about our fathers? As children, we need a healthy father figure. It doesn’t have to be a biological father, it …
That voice is inside you. It IS you; it is the loving parent you can be to your inner child. Remember my rule: If you wouldn’t say it to a real son or daughter, don’t say it to yourself. This …
Day of Mourning
I allow myself to feel this grief—the pain of it all. Day of Mourning. Love Jen
We All Want To Parent Our Children In A Way That Feels Good
I love that this community has so many parents trying their very best. And I hear a lot of self-criticism and self-doubt as we try to meet our own or society’s parenting expectations. One of the most significant changes I …
Summer Holidays in Australia
I am so grateful for our time in nature with family and friends traveling up the NSW coast. Some of the highlights: Staring up at the stars for hours laying in a freshwater hot tub heated by a log fire …
Tips to Handle Gaslighting at Work
Gaslighting at work can ruin your confidence and career. I have seen it.The behaviour is easier to manage if other people in the office see what is happening. It is much more difficult when one person is singled out by …