We all carry wounds from our childhood. It might be that you were teased for being chubby, you were pushed to succeed academically, or there wasn’t enough to eat. When these wounds are left unresolved, we might find ourselves as …
Tag: therapy
Tips to Consciously Create the Life you Want
“The best way to predict your future is to create it” – Abraham Lincoln. When we start our healing journey, we move from a state of lack of awareness into a place of awareness. Awareness of how we think, speak, …
Key Components for Boundary Setting with In-Laws
This is a personal one…for me, point 3, ‘manage your expectations’ was a huge learning with my in-laws. I grew up with basically six people in my family; my mum, dad, sister, nan, and grandad (my mother’s parents), and we …
Interrupting Intergenerational Trauma
Reparenting helps you connect to the vulnerable part of yourself and learn to give it everything that was not received when you were a child. When we are parenting ourselves in a loving, supportive and safe way when we have …
Setting Boundaries when Dating
Dating boundaries are important because they reflect the kinds of boundaries we have in other parts of our lives. If our boundaries are non-existent in the beginning, it can be challenging to reinstate them later on. Dating boundaries can be …
Steps for Successful Boundary Setting
Like any form of self-care that we have not grown up with, we have to learn how to do it at some time. There is no better time than now. Think of strengthening your boundaries as a radical act of …
Setting Healthy Personal Boundaries
Boundaries are part of your self-care and self-love regime. Forget hot baths and face masks (well, not totally, just move them down your priority list) and move boundaries to the top. There is not much that will drain your energy …
Recognising Unhealthy Boundaries with Parents
As we grow older, it is natural that boundaries with our parents shift. As a 3-year-old, we will need someone to come with us to the bathroom, but not as a 12-year-old. As we move into the teenage years, it …
Why Apologies Are Important
Saying sorry is important when it is done with sincerity and when real actions are taken to make amends and to right the wrong that was done. An apology can be a powerful gift for both the giver and the …
Skilled and Unskilled Boundary Setting
Think about the difference between: “You are late again, you don’t care about me, it is so disrespectful” and “I feel disrespected and sad when you are late to meet me, and I need you to call and let me …