Do you find yourself feeling anxious in relationships and wonder if you might have an anxious attachment style? If you have, then this is the podcast for you. In this episode, you will learn everything you need to know about …
Tag: communication

How Do I Comfort My Inner Child When She Still Wants That Love From My Parents?
Now you are an adult, you can take care of and love your inner child. Think of all the things your child wants from your parents and give those things to her yourself. It is usually things like being accepted, …

When People Rage, They Are Suffering
What does it mean to suffer? There are many ways we can suffer. We can suffer physically with pain, mentally with mental illness or rumination, or spiritually with a lack of meaning or moral dilemma. Suffering is part of the …

Protest Behaviours
This kind of clear communication builds the solid foundation of a lasting, secure relationship. If you had unhealthy relationship behaviours modeled for you as a child, it might take a while for you to shift into healthy ones, but it …

Healing Old Communication Styles
When we play games, more often than not, we don’t get our authentic needs met. Instead, we end up pushing our partner away and feeling more unsafe. Learning to communicate clearly and break the habit of game-playing is a total …