Have you ever wondered why you end up fighting your partner over and over again about the same thing, a different situation, but the same topic? Let’s take a typical example, money. It might be that in your relationship, you …
Working with Gratitude
Gratitude has the power to change your day completely! I had an experience a while back where I was feeling quite overwhelmed. I went for a walk in the bush and found that although I was in nature, my mind …
Practicing Gratitude
For me, gratitude brings me into the moment, into the now. When I am genuinely grateful for what I am witnessing, doing, being, being with, being offered, receiving. At any moment, there is always so much to be grateful for. …
Stress Management Tips
What do you do to self-soothe when you are stressed? Do you pick up a drink? Do you find yourself in front of the cupboard tucking into a whole packet of dark chocolate McVities Digestives (for the Brits reading this)? …
The Stress Response
I hope this information helps us better understand stress, chronic stress and the physical impact it can have. See if you can tune in to the impact stress is having in your life. Have a wonderful day! Much love, Jen …
Personality According to Birth Order
Have you ever wondered how your siblings can be so utterly different to you? One reason can be birth order and different children in the family using different strategies to get attention and love from your parents. Psychologist Walter Toman …
Misconceptions About Growth
Have you ever been in the trap of imagining that when you have grown enough, everything in your life will be ‘perfect’? You will have the ‘perfect’ job, one that your sense of purpose is aligned with, and you will …
When We Are Driven By Obligation Not Values
If you value your relationship with your mother and she wants you to call daily, but you find it exhausting, what do you do? I like to look under the request to explore what is REALLY there. What is it …
Signs of Emotional Exhaustion
We have all been there. When we feel like there is no more to give, to ourselves or anyone else. We are burnt out, and emotionally exhausted. When this happens to me, I know it is a big shout-out for …