Most of the time, our lives unfold within a safe range of arousal—a state where we can function well, regulate our emotions, feel grounded, and stay mentally present. As we encounter daily challenges, our arousal levels fluctuate, sometimes feeling like …
Expanding Your Window of Tolerance
With time and focus, you CAN widen your window of tolerance. The key is being able to confront strong emotions without becoming so overwhelmed that they cannot be integrated. The safest way to do this is with the help of …
Explaining the Window of Tolerance
Have you ever heard about the “Window of Tolerance”? Coined by Dr. Dan Siegel, it refers to the optimal zone where we handle life’s ups and downs most effectively. Inside this window, you can regulate your emotions smoothly, stay centered, …
Ariel’s Birthday
She came four weeks early on her grandmother’s 60th birthday. I remember watching her sleep in the special care nursery. She looked like a porcelain doll with no eyebrows or eyelashes. She was so beautiful and perfect in every way.That …
Filtering The World
“Part of mothering seems to be filtering the world so it’s bearable, taking in toxins and pumping out oxygen like a tree.” - Anna Funder (Wifedom).
A Trauma-Informed Perspective
The call to adopt a ‘trauma-informed’ approach is growing louder as awareness of PTSD increases. Each year, approximately 8 million adults experience PTSD, making it highly likely that we will interact with someone with these symptoms. Understanding the potential underlying …
New Research Shows: Optimism Boosts Longevity
Fascinating new findings in the realm of longevity! “Optimism is Associated with Exceptional Longevity in Two Cohorts of Men and Women,” published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, highlights the powerful link between a positive outlook and …