Relational patterns can be difficult to shift. I find it is in the small moments of change that big shifts occur. If you would like to work on your relational patterns, you might enjoy my upcoming course, ‘Relationship Cycle Breaker’. …
Dark Night of the Soul as an Existential Crisis
Where the Scaffolds Come Crashing Down Did you know that the origin of the phrase ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ is a poem written by a 16th-century Spanish mystic, St John of the Cross? In it, he talks about the …
What is Your ‘Core Wound’?
A core wound is caused by a painful experience, which shaped how you feel about yourself or the world. It then drives what you believe and how you behave. It impacts your life often without your knowledge, so we …
Things for Cycle Breakers To Remember About Family
For all the cycle breakers out there, this is for you. When you feel like you don’t belong in your family, you just feel somehow different, know that you are not alone. It’s okay to see patterns in your family …
When We Argue I Wonder if This is The Right Relationship For Me
When the Princess meets the Prince in the Disney movies, it is happily ever after. We don’t see the scenes a year on when they argue about when to have a child, where to live, and how much contact there …
How to Assess the Feedback You’re Receiving.
Have you ever received feedback and taken it to heart? Wondered if it is accurate and thought about it over and over? I know I have. A great tip is to think if it’s feedback you have received before. If …
I Get So Upset When He Doesn’t Know What I Need. Why Is That?
There were so many comments on point 1 in yesterday’s post, ‘unrealistic relationship expectations: my partner should be able to read my mind’ that I thought it was worth unpacking. It is often the case that we think we are …
6 Unrealistic Relationship Expectations
We come into most intimate relationships with a long list of conscious and unconscious expectations. Some gathered from the movies and totally unrealistic and some gathered from our lived experience and parents and unhealthy. Any robust relationship requires work from …