Martin Luther King Jr.

I deeply honour Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s courage to do what was right, even when it was hard. I’m sure most of us have been in situations where someone is being bullied, made to feel less, or talked about behind their back. In these situations, what do you do? Do you join in, walk away, say nothing, or speak up with love? It takes great courage to speak up with love. Sometimes, I have succeeded, and sometimes, I have failed. 

My prayer for myself and everyone is that we speak up with love when needed, even when we risk rejection or shaming.

Dr. King showed us that love is the foundation for lasting change. Whether mentoring, volunteering, or standing up for what’s right, every action matters.

Today, I am writing this post to inspire others in my community. I have attended a yoga class and sat in the class afterwards to meditate on peace. 

How are you giving back to your community today? Share in the comments. Let’s inspire each other to do for others.

Love Jen