Feeding Seva

Today, I helped to feed over 5,000 people in Southern India.

In Hinduism, seva means selfless service done with love. It was such a wonderful experience. I was responsible for filling all the water cups on one side of a long line. Some people would fish their water quickly so that I would return. 

I could see that I was a novelty, and I guess, for many there, the first person with white skin they had seen up close, as many visitors are from rural areas.

Service is one of the arms of my life values. I see everything I do on social media, all my one-on-one and teaching work, as service. As I do it, I feel my heart become warm and activated. Research shows that people who do some kind of service are happier. 

I feel it creates an energetic flow, and good things will come my way if I give freely and with love. 

I have a few areas where I do regular service. Where do you serve?

Let me know in the comments.

Love, Jen