As adults, we might find emotionally needy people repulsive and then criticise ourselves for feeling that repulsion. This can show up as we parents appropriately needy children. There might be part of us that wants to run away from their …
Category: Relationships
Cycle Breaker
Who are the CYCLE BREAKERS out there??? Generational patterns repeat through a family because people tend to parent how they were parented. Being the ‘cycle breaker’ in a family is not an easy role, and it is often not chosen …
Being an Attuned ‘Enough’ Mother
Mothering in 2022 is no easy feat. We have to be attentive to our children but be careful not to smother them. Give them enough freedom, but make sure they are safe enough. So much that used to rest on …
The Six Second Kiss Challenge
John Gottman calls it ‘a kiss with potential’. Think about your usual kisses. They are usually a ‘peck’ on the lips before you leave for work, or a quick kiss saying ‘hello’. Often your mind is already thinking about what …
A Powerful Tool To Help Your Partner Connect
As with all suggestions, nothing works 100% of the time.When I feel triggered, I use this question with myself. I look at the facts and ask myself, “What does that mean to me?”Recently, I found myself feeling angry about the …
Core Issues For Adopted Adults
Over the years, I have worked with many adopted adults, all with different stories. Without exception, I’ve found there has been healing to do around the moment of birth, which is about our connection to the Earth and our bodies, …