You might find yourself being proud of your lack of needs. In the past, it has kept you safe. You have learned to rely on yourself to meet your own needs. This can create independent and highly capable people. But …
Category: Healing
Acting Out
When you feel yourself about to ‘act out’ can you pause? Can you hold the tension and discomfort in your body and be curious about what is happening for you. Can you think, “wow! I am feeling so much anger …
What is the inner child?
Children are naturally creative. They have to be creative to survive in the world and learn about the world. They hear a new noise and want to find out what it is. They see something new and want to explore …
10 Research-Based Questions To Help You Know If Your Relationship Has A Future.
According to Psychologist Gary W. Lewandowski’s research, going through these questions and answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ will give you some insight into the potential longevity of your relationship. The more questions you answer ‘yes’ to, the more likely it is …
10 Things To Say Instead Of Ghosting Someone
Ghosting hurts. A poll on this Instagram account into how ghosting made people feel came up with a myriad of reasons, with the most common being ‘confused’. Ghosting leaves the person being ghosted with a lack of clarity and in …
10 Questions To Ask Yourself After Being Ghosted
Here we can swap the word ‘ghosted’ for ‘triggered’. It is natural to feel triggered when you have been ghosted. Most people who are ghosted report feeling left with a lack of closure. They have gone, and we are left …
Why Does Ghosting Hurt?
Ghosting hurts because you have an emotional investment in the relationship, full stop. It might be a complete shock to realise that your partner doesn’t have the same emotional investment. Interestingly, for most of you on yesterday’s story that asked …
Why Do People Ghost?
Ghosting hurts. A study conducted by Plenty of Fish (a dating site) in 2016 found that 78% of millennials aged 18-33 had been ghosted. 78%!!!!!! Imagine that you are in a relationship with someone, and suddenly you stop hearing from …
The Difference Between A One-Off Trauma and Complex Trauma.
There is a huge difference between a one-off, shock trauma and complex trauma. In this panel interview, I explain the differences using a personal experience with shock trauma. This panel interview was one of a three-part series exploring trauma for …