“A trigger is when something happens and we have an emotional reaction that seems stronger than the situation calls for. Something has happened that has caused your internal alarm system to go off. This is a moment to be curious …
Tag: triggers

Examples of Triggers
Remember that triggers are NORMAL. It is about learning to recognise your personal triggers and work with them. This list is a great starting place for you to think about your triggers. If you’d like to, try the exercise below. …

Understanding Triggers
Imagine if your father was a large man and a violent drunk. It might be that whenever you see a man in the street with a similar figure and gait, your body freezes, and you start to panic. A trigger …

10 Questions To Ask Yourself After Being Ghosted
Here we can swap the word ‘ghosted’ for ‘triggered’. It is natural to feel triggered when you have been ghosted. Most people who are ghosted report feeling left with a lack of closure. They have gone, and we are left …

My Partner Always Wants To Pause During Difficult Conversations, And It Is Difficult To Move Forward
The curiosity here is around reactivity, and when fight, flight or freeze might take over for either of you in the relationship. This is a conversation that needs to happen when you are NOT in the middle of an argument. …

Why Do My Parents Still Trigger Me?
We all carry wounds from our childhood. It might be that you were teased for being chubby, you were pushed to succeed academically, or there wasn’t enough to eat. When these wounds are left unresolved, we might find ourselves as …

If Old Family Dynamics Get Triggered During the Holiday, Know You Are Not Alone And Be Kind To Yourself
A good friend of mine used to joke that he could always test how much work he had done on himself the preceding year according to how much he got triggered during the holiday season. It’s true, you can spend …

You don’t need to be in crisis to see a therapist
It is a myth that you need to be in crisis to see a therapist. You might decide to work with a therapist when: You see yourself repeating old patterns You get triggered by your family You want to be …

Some Journal Prompts for Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is about getting to know yourself in an open, non-judgemental way. Most us fall down right here. We might be self-aware, but we are incredibly judgemental in the process. The trick with self-awareness is to enter any self-examination or …

Types Of Triggers
Remember that triggers are NORMAL. It is about learning to recognise your personal triggers and work with them. This list is a great starting place for you to think about your triggers. If you feel to, try this exercise. If …