After reading the last two posts, many people have asked, “What about the men?” How do men respond to the father wound? Of course, everyone’s response to any disconnection is different, so the core thing to remember is that there …
Tag: therapy

Recognising The Father Wound
The father wound is passed down through family lines. It comes about because of the father’s unhealed trauma and inner wounds. Without healing, these wounds are passed to his children. All children are hard-wired for love. Children yearn for the …

5 Tips to help you with Gaslighting at Work:
Gaslighting at work can ruin your confidence and career. I have seen it. The behaviour is easier to manage if other people in the office see what is happening. It is much more difficult when one person is singled out …

How Do I Build Self-Trust?
Self-trust has helped me a lot when building resilience. Like being in a relationship with anyone, building trust with yourself, especially if you have a history of abandoning yourself, takes time. You have to prove to yourself, and the inner …

Post Traumatic GROWTH
Have you had a traumatic experience, which was painful and complex, and at the same time been aware of your inner self growing, or having grown substantially from the experience? If you have, this is referred to as post-traumatic growth. …

Peter Levine Quote
Humans have been working with trauma for eons. We have always been coping with wars, genocides, death, illness, and natural disaster. Overcoming these things builds resilience and grit. It is in our DNA to overcome and survive. Can trauma be …

Cycle Breaking
Healing is not a destination. It’s a journey. I’m so glad you are on this journey with me. Love to all, Jen Click here for my Cycle Breakers Course

Cycle Breaker
Who are the CYCLE BREAKERS out there??? Generational patterns repeat through a family because people tend to parent how they were parented. Being the ‘cycle breaker’ in a family is not an easy role, and it is often not chosen …