We all have a subconscious distance in a relationship that we are comfortable with. If we are further away than that distance, we won’t feel comfortable, or if we are closer than that distance, we won’t feel comfortable, and we …
Tag: psychotherapy
The Trauma-Informed Perspective
Being ‘trauma informed’ is essentially the skill of pausing before making a judgement and thinking why this behaviour might be happening, given someone’s personal history. Roughly 8% of people will have PTSD in their lifetime, so the likelihood of working …
How to End The Cycle of Repeating Arguments
Have you found yourself in a relationship arguing about the same thing over and over with no resolution? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. Research has found that 69% of couples’ areas of disagreement are about UNRESOLVABLE …
When you block your feelings as a child, to keep yourself safe, you might grow up not knowing who you are
In some environments, children have to block their feelings. Imagine being terrorised in your home, being with someone, a mother, father, sibling, who enjoys seeing fear in you. In these circumstances, it is an act of self-preservation to block your …
Male and Female Archetypes
What do you think about this idea of your mother as being the first archetypal woman and your father, the first archetypal man in your life? It makes sense that we would organise our expectations around these roles and archetypes …
Are You Stuck in Pattern Repeat?
When we are growing up, we get used to the relational distance between us and our caregivers. We chose a distance that feels safe. We do whatever we need to do to maintain the ‘safe distance’, close enough where I …
Core Wounds
Most of us have what I think of as a ‘core wound’. It might be a belief that I’m never going to be good enough, or that I’m flawed in some way or will always be alone. It is a …
3 Steps For Self-Exploration When Anxious
From my years of working on myself and with my clients, I have come to understand feelings as messengers. I often see them as little children, desperately wanting and needing something from me—the bigger the feeling, the stronger the message. …