Wow – the power of consistency with an anxiously attached person. It is like drinking a cool glass of water on a hot day – soothing, grounding, nourishing from the inside. The balance here is asking for the consistency that …
Tag: psychotherapy
When we Have Experienced Abandonment as a Child, We Might be Quick to Attach
I invite you to notice this desire to attach too quickly with compassion. Talk to the younger part of you who craves love, affection and attention. She is calling you through time and space to attend to her. Remember that …
Gas Lighting At Work
Gaslighting at work can ruin your confidence and career. I have seen it.The behaviour is easier to manage if other people in the office see what is happening. It is much more difficult when one person is singled out by …
Abandonment Fear
Here we talk about abandonment fear, anxious attachment, and some ways to work with this