As a couple in a long-distance relationship, it is vital to have something to look forward to. Make it a reasonable date, that could be achievable, given your circumstances. We all know the feeling of waiting for your birthday when …
Tag: Long Distance love

Love Language Tips for Long-Distance Relationships
Many of you have asked about long-distance relationships. It is not unusual for couples to have been separated by distance while actively trying to show love. When we are distant, there is an opportunity to be more intentional with our …

Five Tips for a Long-Distance Relationship
As a couple in a long-distance relationship, it is vital to have something to look forward to. Planning your next meeting during a pandemic might be difficult but set a date anyway. Make it a reasonable date, that could be …

What Kind of Relationship Struggles Are You Facing During the Pandemic
Here is a list of everything you shared with me in the last 24 hours when I asked, ‘what kind of relationship struggles are you facing during the pandemic?’ A few of them showed up again and again; missing physical …

Are Your Love Languages What You DIDN’T Receive From One Parent?
60% of you said that your love language was what you DIDN’T receive from your parents as a child (from 120 people on Instagram). I form part of the 40% who said it IS what they received as a child. …

Love Language Ideas for Long Distance Couples
Many of you have asked about long-distance relationships, and given the global situation this year, many couples have been separated and actively trying to show love across huge distances. My heart goes out you. I really can’t imagine what it …