This is the cycle we all go through on any healing journey. We need to discover where we are stuck and what we inherited from our parents and childhood. Then we need to attend to and heal those wounded parts, …
Tag: intergenerational cycles

Cycle Breaker
Who are the CYCLE BREAKERS out there??? Generational patterns repeat through a family because people tend to parent how they were parented. Being the ‘cycle breaker’ in a family is not an easy role, and it is often not chosen …

Family Patterns
This is HOW we repeat intergenerational cycles. We repeat what we grew up with. Deciding to do something different is BRAVE.And often, there is no other option because it has become SO uncomfortable.This is a great time to get support …

Intergenerational Trauma
Intergenerational trauma is real. Trauma is passed down through family lines. When a family member experiences a trauma, such as being raised by an alcoholic, experiencing slavery or genocide, these traumas have biological and behavioural impacts on future generations. …

Childhood Trauma
This is why we end up repeating cycles in our relationships. We unconsciously repeat aspects of our childhood that remain unprocessed in our current relationship—usually the most intimate relationship, whether that is a friendship or partnership. I love to look …

The Oak Tree
Being an oak in a forest of firs is not easy. You know from an early age that you are different. It is not better or worse, being an oak. It just is. Learning to accept this body as it …

Being a Cycle Breaker Means Taking Responsibility For Your Healing
Healing is not a destination. It is a journey. I’m so glad you are on this journey with me. Love to all, Jen