These are the words of Miriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann @miriamrosefoundation. As I read these words, I feel a resonance with them within my being. Reminding me that I know this deep listening and quiet, a bit like contemplation, but more. The …
Category: Meditation

Your Word For 2025
Rather than setting specific goals for the year, I prefer to align with a value or energy. Sometimes, this energy is lacking, and I would like more. Other times, the word jumps off the page, and I’m unsure how that …

Meditation And The Brain
This research paper is an oldie but a goodie. I love it because it shows how the body is directly linked to the mind. When people do less with their minds, their brain tissue responds, and certain brain areas change …

Effects Of Meditation Rival Antidepressants for Depression & Anxiety
I could list all of the benefits of meditation, but you know them. There is something else that blocks you from actually meditating. The truth is that when you first sit down to meditate, it is likely to be uncomfortable. …

IFS Meditation – Getting to Know a Protector
Today’s podcast is the first of the subscription offering on Apple Podcasts. In the subscription, you’ll find a growing list of practical tools and conversations that I have found to be priceless on my own healing journey. In this powerful …

International Day of Yoga
The theory is that trauma-informed yoga practice assists traumatised people by helping them re-establish contact with their bodies, connect to their sensory experiences, and increase their emotional awareness. This has absolutely been my experience with yoga. Yoga has helped me …

Ujjāyī Breathing
If you have been following my adventures in Bali, you’ll know that I have been learning yoga. I have been reading ‘Yoni Shakti’ by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli because I wanted to learn a flavour of yoga that was written for women. …

Yoga Practice
I have been practicing yoga intensely for about 20 years, but not the kind of yoga you think of when you think of yoga. Not the asanas (the postures). Sure, I practiced Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) before meditation for years, …

Meditation Practice
Coming to a place of mindfulness is about bringing our awareness into the present. So often, we are physically present but mentally somewhere completely different. When we are connected to our body, thorough mindful breath or mindful walking, we are …

Mindfulness has been a big part of my healing journey. I first learned to meditate about 22 – 23 years ago, when the research and hype about meditation had not yet landed. I bought a book called ‘Meditation …