Author: Jennifer

Foreboding Joy
Have you ever looked at your children and felt so much love and suddenly a wave of fear and a prayer of “Please God let them be safe?” About four months ago I in a conversation with a friend I …

Find it Hard to Feel or Feel too much?
Do you find that you spend too much time in your head, and can often forget about your body until it is ill? Or are you on the other side of the scale where you feel too much and seem …

Goal Setting … Boring?
When I think of goal setting part of me gets really excited and thinks “yipee, I get to dream about all of the things I would like to manifest over the next year!” and another part thinks “oh no, another …

Courageous Dialogue – be a “Front Stabber”
I have just finished a class on the theme of speaking our truth with love. We did the class based on a blog by Karen Salmansohn, which can be seen here. In it she terms the phrase a “front stabber”, …

Speaking Your Truth with Love
This is a big one for a lot of people. How do we tell those we love and respect when they have done something that did not sit well with us? This can be tricky! In the past I have …

Dealing with Separation Anxiety
As I sit here listening to my children jumping on the trampoline and giggling at each other I wonder how I can be about to leave them for two and a half weeks. I leave in two days for India …

How to Enhance Compassion
What to do if we find it hard to be Compassionate Compassion is a virtue, which means, “to suffer together”. Put that way it does not sound very appealing! However in all the major religions compassion is talked about as …

Why do Service?
George Vaillant conducted a thirty-year study of a group of Harvard graduates that found that adopting an altruistic lifestyle is a critical component of good mental health. David McClelland, a psychologist at Harvard, showed a group of students a film …

How long does the Dalai Lama meditate for?
For any serious practitioner (this is the word the Dalai Lama uses to refer to a spiritual aspirant) meditation forms part of our daily practice. Most spiritual traditions expound the benefits of some sort of meditation and mental training. If …

The Dalai Lama’s Routine
Spending time with the Dalai Lama over this weekend was a lifetime tick-a-box for me, being in his light, airy and cheerful presence was something I will never forget. One of the things that struck me was when he spoke …