Many people wonder why on earth I chose to be a therapist. “Why would you want to sit all day and listen to people’s pain and suffering, life is hard enough as it is!”
The funny thing is, listening to people’s pain and suffering IS transformative. It is not the same as listening to your friend or relative complain for the fiftieth time about their marriage or sore back. As a therapist, I have the opportunity to walk with my clients into their lives. To access what is working and what is not working. For them to conduct experiments in their lives and see what might create the shifts they are looking for.
I feel incredibly privileged as a therapist to be given admission into my client’s inner worlds. I see this as a sacred and deeply personal place. I always feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude as I feel the next level of trust being bestowed upon me. This is part of the attachment repair work that happens when there is attunement from the therapist.
Fifty percent of the population have an insecure attachment style. This is the result of a lack of safety and attunement from the primary carer when we were children. We learnt that we can’t trust the people who should be caring for us to tend to our needs, to love and care for us. This impacts our future relationships, creating an expectation of our needs not being met. We may become avoidant or anxious in our adult relationships.
Working with an attachment informed therapist, who is attuned to you, can help repair attachment wounding. If your need for genuine care was never met by your primary carer, to receive this in the therapeutic relationship can be incredibly healing. Attachment wounds can be repaired, it just takes a bit of time and some focus.
I am incredibly passionate about therapy because I see the results first-hand over and over again. I LOVE my work, I find deep meaning in it and a place where I feel I can be of service to others.
Wherever you are right now, good luck on your healing journey.
Love, Jen