Children need all five love languages. As a parent, you will probably find it easiest to give the ones you like to receive. This can leave the others a little lacking.
Of course, I do things for them and spend time with them and give gifts, but it is not as much as the other two.
My children are now old enough to ask what their love language is. When I asked my daughter, she said, quality time. That was a surprise to me because she is so tactile, she LOVES to be cuddled, I thought she was going to say touch or affirmations, like me. But no, she wants more quality time. Armed with this information, I can now give her what she wants in the way she wants it, so she can feel my love more.
If your children are old enough, you could write each of the love languages on a piece of paper, explain each, and explain you want to know how they FEEL loved by you and let them choose one or two.
You can then speak their love language to them more.
I hope you find this useful.
Much love, Jen

Reference: Chapman, G. (2015). The 5 Love Languages. Northfield Publishing; Chicago, IL.