The Emotionally Attuned Parent

It is so easy to be dismissive when we are parenting. We are too busy and distracted to stop and listen to what is needed.

When we don’t attend to children, they learn they are not important, their feelings and views of the world are not important, or worse, not valid. When we learn that our feelings are not valid, we question our feelings and experiences, question our reality, and lose contact with our inner knowing of what is right and wrong. Our internal compass starts to go haywire.

When I talk about attuned parenting, I am not talking about perfect parenting; in my mind, there is no such thing. I am talking about ‘good enough’ parenting. With ‘good enough’ parenting, there is a level of attunement to the child’s needs and feelings. There is space when it matters for the child to be deeply heard and validated.

When children learn how to process feelings, doing it well as an adult is SO much easier.

Does this resonate with you? 

Love Jen

  • The emotionally attuned parent
  • The emotionally