Healing is not a destination. It is a journey. I’m so glad you are on this journey with me. Love to all, Jen
Tag: Trauma

Complex Trauma and Dysregulation
When you have been raised by parents whose nervous systems are activated and in fight or flight all of the time, you will not have learned co-regulation. Co-regulation happens when one nervous system calms another nervous system down. This would …

PTSD and Dysregulation
If you have been following me for a while, then you know I talk about this a LOT. Gone are the days when we can think it’s okay for children to be raised in homes where there is violence, abuse, …

The Faint Response
Faint is the action of last resort. It is the result of total shut down and para-sympathetic activation. If this is a response you have that seems to come about at random times, you might think about when you first …

Healing a Fawn Response
As adults, it can evoke a lot of shame as we witness ourselves becoming dependent on our partners and accepting more and more bad behaviour, or when we find ourselves burnt out because it is too difficult to put boundaries …

How the Nervous System Can Get Stuck in a Trauma Response
I think of healing as a holistic process, including the nervous system as part of the mind, body, spirit triad. When we are stuck in hyper or hypo arousal, the aim is to come into regulation and the ‘window of …

10 Ways the FAWN Response Might Show up in Relationships
The Fawn response can be exhausting. We can use up a lot of energy trying to stay connected to feel safe in the relationship. Sometimes to our detriment. It can be challenging to get enough objectivity to make a rational …

The Fawn Response Explained
A fawn response might lead us to have co-dependent relationships where we sacrifice our needs to maintain the relationship. What are the hallmarks of co-dependency? Saying yes, when you want to say no Having to hide parts of yourself to …

The FAWN Response
The Fawn Response Explained The fawn response occurs when a child tries to please someone who is both their caregiver AND a source of threat to stay safe and loved. When parents are abusive or neglectful, the child learns to …