Two years ago on the eve of Mother’s Day I was called to write a workbook about the mother wound. It was something that is still a great resource, the SIX STEPS TO HEALING THE MOTHER WOUND, at the moment …
Tag: Trauma

Interview with Kelly McDaniel
In this conversation, Kelly explains the concept of ‘Mother Hunger’ and the lasting effects on adult daughters and some ways to start to heal. If you have resonated with the term ‘insecure attachment’ then this is a must-watch. Much love …

It’s Okay To Feel Grief For Your Childhood AND Be Grateful For Certain Aspects Of It.
Can I hold BOTH the things I feel grief around AND the parts that made me happy? It is often difficult for the mind and body to hold BOTH, this is part of the work I do in therapy with …

Un- Resolved Issues Affect The Present
This is why we end up repeating cycles in our relationships. We unconsciously repeat aspects of our childhood that remain unprocessed in our current relationship—usually the most intimate relationship, whether that is a friendship or partnership. I love to look …

A Powerful Quote From Stephen Porges.
Trauma is so much more than psychological. Trauma is physiological too. I am so grateful to Stephen Porges and Bessel van Der Kolk for their work in bringing this to the forefront and increasing our understanding of the impact of …

Abandonment Fear
Here we talk about abandonment fear, anxious attachment, and some ways to work with this

EMDR Therapy for Distressing Memories and Events
We all have memories that get stuck. I had one of walking down the aisle on my wedding day. It wasn’t a big T trauma, but for me, it was traumatic, and I had a frozen memory of it that …