What is it like to be an HSP? As an HSP, the world can feel overwhelming. Bright lights, loud noises, and itchy fabrics can be incredibly disturbing. For me, I have found the subtleties of relationships particularly intense. I have …
Tag: psychotherapy
Expanding Your Window of Tolerance
With time and focus, you CAN widen your window of tolerance. The key is being able to make contact with strong emotions without becoming so overwhelmed that they cannot be integrated. The safest way to do this is with the …
How to Reduce Hypoarousal
When we are in hypoarousal, we have started to numb and dissociate. To help yourself when you are on this end of the spectrum, you need to stimulate the senses and get back into your body. One way to do …
Indications of Hypoarousal
It is difficult for healing to occur when we are in hypo or hyper arousal. We need to be within our ‘window of tolerance’ where the prefrontal cortex is switched on, and our cognition is online. Different self-regulation tools can …
How to Reduce Hyperarousal
Hyperarousal is when excessive energy is expressed as anxiety, panic, feeling out of control and wanting to run away. It is challenging to relax when this happens as our body has gone into fight or flight mode. It is difficult …
Indications of Hyperarousal
As we move through life, most of the time, we are within a safe range of arousal, which means a state where we can function well as human beings. We can self-regulate, feel grounded and present, and the reasoning part …
Explaining the Window of Tolerance
The window of tolerance is a phrase first used by Dr. Dan Siegel to describe the arousal state in which a person can best function and feel they can manage life. As we live our life, we experience what I …
Breaking Self-Betrayal Habits
Little self-betrayals become a habit. It is in the little moments where our natural reaction is to say yes, when the right answer for us is no. Self-betrayals happen when we don’t take the time and care required to check …
Self-Betrayal: Neglecting Your Needs
Being scared of your needs is NORMAL when you have grown up in an environment where it was not okay or safe to ask for your needs to be met. Know that you CAN shift this pattern. You CAN reconnect …
Self-Betrayal: Putting Others First
When we grow up with abusive or neglectful parents, we quickly learn to ignore our own needs. Maybe it is dangerous to express our needs, or when we do, they are ignored. The result is a deep disconnect from our …