Rather than write a list of intentions for the New Year, I prefer to have a ‘word for the year’ that I can keep referring to. I can refer to it when I am making decisions and occasionally review the …
Tag: psychotherapy
The 5 Stages of a relationship
Reminder: it is NORMAL to have conflict in a relationship. Excellent relationship researchers, the Gottman’s, discovered that it was not the number of disputes that determined if a relationship was robust or not, but how the couple resolved the conflict.Notice …
Ideas for the ‘Struggle’ Relationship Phase
It is normal to have conflict and struggle in a relationship. When you begin a relationship, you usually spend a while in the honeymoon phase and lose part of yourselves as you enter the intoxicating phase of merging. As your …
Questions to Ask During the ‘Difference’ Relationship Phase
This is the phase where we step back from the intense merging of the honeymoon phase, we take off the rose-tinted glasses and ask ourselves if we can live with the reality of the other person. It is easy to …
Important Questions for the Honeymoon Phase
The honeymoon stage usually lasts up to two years but will vary for every relationship. It is the time when we fall in love, Hollywood style. You are both wearing your rose-tinted glasses, you spend a lot of time together, …
1 Tip for Holidays
Happy holidays! Let me know what your one tip is. P.s I love the sounds of Bali in the background and didn’t want to cover it up with music … especially the rooster
Implementing the 5 Love languages
We all feel love in different ways. It might be that you could spend hours and hours together, but if you were not touched, you would feel completely unloved. Or it might be that you could be hugged and kissed …
Tips to Cruise through the Holiday Season
Research shows that Christmas is one of the top 6 most stressful life events, up there with divorce and moving to a new house. More often than not, the expectation comes from ourselves, not from anyone else. I find it …
Intention Setting for the Holiday Season
It is so easy to get swept up in the spending, the drinks, and the food. Have you paused to contemplate what you would like for this holiday season? If you could have a holiday season and everyone in the …
Loving and Valuing Your Partner
All relationships need nurturing. I like to think of relationships like plants. If we leave a plant in sandy soil and give it too much sun and not enough water, it will quickly die. No two plants are the same. …