I come to India once a year to recharge my battery, open my heart, and keep the peace and bliss flowing. This is an integral part of my work as a therapist who supports many people in deep distress. I’m …
Tag: Heart

I’m just reflecting on how I move in and out of my heart wisdom throughout the day. I can stay connected through the mundane but allow bigger things to grab my attention. Mostly different forms of irritation. Irritation is low-level …

Being Alone and The Heart
When I am more connected to my heart, I am connected to my power. Not power as in force, power as in love-power. When connected to my love-power, knowing what I need and desire and which direction to go in …

Compassion is a Function of the Heart
One way to assist compassionate thinking is to imagine what you would want for yourself if you were in someone else’s shoes. Or to imagine what someone else might have gone through and how it might have left them feeling. …