What do you think about this? I’m curious to know. I came across this when I was studying for my Master’s Degree. I was drawn to it because I see these symptoms all the time in my clinic and have …
Tag: Family

How Cycle Breakers Are Shamed in their family
Being a cycle breaker is often exhausting because it takes energy to stand up and do something different from what has always been done in the family. You might notice ‘looks’ being passed between members or eye-rolling as you express …

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
Four ???????????????????? ????????????, ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????????????? ????????????. I had the opportunity to be with him for a while, about four weeks before he passed. As he laid in his bed, getting weaker and weaker and having …

No Two children Have The Same Childhood
Is there space for them to BOTH be right? When one sibling remembers neglect, they remember the details and the house’s emotional temperature; that is their experience. That is what they remember. It is true for them.When the other sibling …

The Lost Art of Eating and Connecting
I grew up eating my dinner with a tray on my lap in front of the TV watching Neighbours (an Ozzie TV show that we LOVED in the UK with Kylie Minogue ????). We were together as a family, but …

Ideas for Managing In-Laws
This is a personal one…for me, point 3, ‘manage your expectations’ was a huge learning with my in-laws. I grew up with basically six people in my family; my mum, dad, sister, nan, and grandad (my mother’s parents), and we …

Boundaries with In-Laws
I have received many DMs about this, the struggle to merge two different families with differing expectations, norms, and values. The critical thing to remember with in-laws is to have a united front with your partner. This is where I …

Reparenting Interrupts Intergenerational Trauma
One way trauma passes through family lines is from parent to child. Let’s imagine that someone’s father grew up with an alcoholic father. To escape his family home, he joined the army, where he was exposed to more stressful and …

Unhealthy Boundaries with Parents Might Look Like:
As we grow older, it is natural that boundaries with our parents shift. As a 3-year-old, we will need someone to come with us to the bathroom, but not as a 12-year-old. As we move into the teenage years, it …

How to Respect Boundaries
In many intimate relationships, especially with friends and partners, we get used to them doing certain things and playing certain roles in our lives. When those people decide they need to stop doing those things or playing those roles, it …