We all have repeating patterns or ‘cycles’ in our family of origin. It might be repeating patterns of failed marriages, drug and alcohol problems, or family conflict. You become a cycle breaker when you first see the cycle and …
Tag: course

The Embody Lab
I saw this pop up on the embody lab offering list and wanted to share it with you. In today’s busy, goal-oriented, demanding environment, many of our bodies carry unreasonable stress. Somatic Stress Release™ is a holistic system to enhance …

The Cycle Breakers’ Circle
This is the cycle we all go through on any healing journey. We need to discover where we are stuck and what we inherited from our parents and childhood. Then we need to attend to and heal those wounded parts, …

What is the inner child?
Children are naturally creative. They have to be creative to survive in the world and learn about the world. They hear a new noise and want to find out what it is. They see something new and want to explore …