Ram Dass says that relationships are one of the most challenging forms of yoga. When he says this, he is talking about the way you meet in an intimate relationship. You will see all of the parts of self when …
Tag: Compassion

A ‘Cycle Breaker’ is Someone in your Family Who…
Generational patterns repeat through a family because people tend to parent how they were parented. Being the ‘cycle breaker’ in a family is not an easy role. It is often not chosen by the person concerned. It is a deep …

As a Therapist I Often Experience
Many people wonder why on earth I chose to be a therapist. “Why would you want to sit all day and listen to people’s pain and suffering, life is hard enough as it is!” The funny thing is, listening to …

Empathy is Learned in Childhood
Empathy is the ability to feel compassion for other people., it involves being sensitive to the feelings of others and reacting with that information in mind. If you have had children, you will know that in the early years children …

How to Work with Shame
Nathanson (1992) presents a fabulous tool to show us how shame shows up. When we look at the middle axis of withdrawal and avoidance, we see two different behaviours. With withdrawal, there is hiding and disconnection. We know from research …

The Positive Seeds
Thich Nhat Hanh – No Mud, no Lotus. Most spiritual teachers, if you listen long enough, will start to talk about the mind as having ‘seeds’. All the ‘seeds’ in the mind have a different vibration to them. There might …

The Art Of Re-Parenting Part 9 – Self-Reparenting
When we have been raised in an unhealthy environment, when we have experienced neglect, abuse, invalidation, narcissism, conflict or violence, as adults there is still part of us that is expecting the same behaviour from those we love. We learn …