I see you. I can only imagine the pain you have experienced. The trauma involved. What your body went through to be a home to this child. And then the loss.
The shattering of a dream, the baby’s room lying empty. The wondering if you will ever be pregnant again. The wondering if it was somehow your fault. Did I eat the wrong thing? Maybe I am not fit to be a parent. Am I being punished by God?
Thousands of people suffer in silence. 1 in 4 Australian’s has lost a baby. Think about that. Who has shared their loss with you? Who did you share your loss with?
This is still one of our cultural taboos. What do I say to someone who has lost a child? How can I meet them in their grief? What if I talk about it and upset someone?
Many mothers who experience a stillbirth find it challenging to find places to share their grief and birth stories.
This day is in honour of all the lost children, and it is a day of group mourning. I hope there is space for you today to be with your grief and feel the support of all the other women who have felt this pain.
From my heart to your heart – I see you. Your pain is welcome here.