Emotional exhaustion can appear in various ways through your body, mind and spirit.
In your BODY, it might show up as:
- Feeling achy all over
- Having no energy for anything, even the things you know will make you feel better
- Wanting to sleep a lot
- Feeling tension all over your body
In your MIND, it might show up as:
- Obsessing over the same situation
- Lack of focus
- Struggling to set boundaries
In your SPIRIT, it might show up as:
- Lacking vitality and passion
- Lacking a sense of purpose in your life
- Feeling overwhelmed by hopelessness
When I’m emotionally exhausted, it shows up in my body first. I have learned to listen to my body’s subtle warning signs. When this happens, I usually need to sleep a lot, and my whole body feels ‘off’.
How have you learned to identify emotional exhaustion? Let me know in the comments.